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Intro To Mandala As a Healing Tool

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42 students

The power of Mandala – intro

  • The mandala is a powerful healing tool
  • The Mandala is a tools to receive a message from our subconscious
  • The message is multi layer, just like we are

Diving inside – Unlocking you

  • The different parts that creates our psyche
  • Ego, Self, Subconscious, Collective subconscious
  • The mandala works like an elevator to the subconscious, thus allowing us to communicate with deeper, wiser parts of ourselves
  • Pain is just a stage, it’s a part of message, if we listen – we will be relieved of it’s burden
  • The Mandala shows us the solution, not just the problem

Getting Started – Entering the elevator

  • Materials, their importance and when to use each.
  • Aesthetics are not important, listening to message is. No artistic talent is needed for this.
  • Symmetry Mandalas vs. deep message Mandalas
  • Letting go of fear when getting started

EXAMPLES – when the subconscious gets to speak 

  • 2 examples of Mandala, the text that was written by their creator immediately after finishing the creation process, and the interpretation.
  • The message was accurate and meant the world to the receiver, because our subconscious is here to help us and knows exactly what WE need, NOW, and the message is super tailored to us, at this particular moment.

Active imagination – Trip to your subconscious

  • When will we use active imagination, what does it add to the process.
  • Symbols mandala vs. abstract mandala.
  • Active imagination example to help you get started with your first Mandala.
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After many years of working as an art therapist and parents guide with a wide variety of populations, conditions and systems, I currently work online as a coach using the powerful tool called Mandala.

  1. Reut, this course was very clear and well explained.
    The attention to detail was beautiful!

  2. So I want to tell you about this process that completely transformed my life. Saved me. I was in therapy for years and years. For years I knew what my issues are and where I wanted to get but something was stuck, missing, there was a gap between knowing it and actually internalizing everything and making a change. And then, in perfect timing, I got to know about Reut Shalev and coaching with mandalas. I realized this is something big and I felt I must start this. Things that I spent years working on – were easily resolved. All of a sudden, I didn’t have to make any effort and use constant work methods to resolve deep rooted issues. I listened to the messages that came from me, from my subconscious, and Reut delivered it all to me accurately and oh so connected to me. Connecting inside, and listening to my subconscious created this inner voice, an accurate voice that changed my life – both inside and out. From a person who is always in therapy and making baby steps at best, I am now running a marathon! Everyday I go through a journey, I receive messages, energies and lessons. I can look at old patterns now, knowing I now have a choice and I can stop, ask questions and choose my way. This happens naturally! Automatically! In every other therapy I was told I must work hard.. But the Mandala truly brings messages and Reut is the one to understand and deliver this message perfectly, mirror it to me, and the issue gets resolved, cleaned.. It’s like a higher power is helping, magic… I feel like I’m waking up and discovering so many things I would never find out in any other way. The pieces of the puzzle just connect and I am doing so well! So very well! I thank the universe for choosing me to be Reut’s client. I do feel very fortunate. Reut is amazing. Reut, I thank you for listening, for your pure passion to help people, for being always available, for your authenticity, your honesty, your contagious modesty, and above all – your honest deep love that you’re giving me, the strength that you’re giving me that keeps on feeding me in every given moment. I hope people who read this will start this process and realize for themselves the incredible feelings that I am feeling now.

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